Immigrant Advisory Table


The Immigrant Advisory Table consists of members who are former refugees and immigrants residing in Winnipeg. 
Our IAT, provides input into the development of IPW’s Strategic Plan, ensures that IPW’s priorities are relevant to the newcomer communities’ needs in Winnipeg, and provide feedback on the implementation of the Strategic Plan.


Current Immigrant Advisory Table Membership:

  • Anne Oserin-Pinnok

  • Aziz Rahman

  • Izzeddin Hawamda

  • Denisa Gavan-Koop

  • Jennifer Chen 

  • Marleny Bonneycastle

  • Paul Kambaja 

  • Patricia Eyamba

  • Bijaya Pokharel

  • Ben Marega

For more information about the Immigrant Advisory Table or to become a member please contact Kathleen Vyrauen at

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