Immigrants Work

IPW has partnered with WES (World Education Services) to implement a new project to connect employers to immigrant talent in Winnipeg: #ImmigrantsWork. 


The aim of #ImmigrantsWork is to collaborate with employers and community partners in co-designing strategies that facilitate the identification, recruitment, employment, and retention of immigrant talent. We firmly believe that the integration of immigrant talent into our regional workforce will lead to a stronger economy and enhance the resilience of our workforce 


Based on consultations with local community partners and key stakeholders, we are currently on the #ImmigrantsWork Phase 2 where we have identified 4 key project outputs: 


Communications Campaign: Started on March 12! 

The campaign is an integrated communications plan designed to reach diverse audiences and networks through various channels and methods, facilitating the continued achievement of the project’s goals. 


Video Series 

Short clips featuring testimonials from employers who have successfully tapped into the immigrant talent pool.  


Training Program 

#ImmigrantsWork Training Series is designed to equip local employers and Service Provider Organizations (SPOs) with the essential tools and knowledge needed for effective identification, recruitment, and retention of newcomers. The training program comprises four modules, each hosted by subject matter experts. 


Employer Network and Policy 

The #ImmigrantsWork Employer Network and Policy in Winnipeg endeavors to 1) Foster engagement and collaboration among local employers for holistic solutions to systemic issues, and 2) Execute a policy advocacy strategy empowering the network to lobby the government for policies influencing immigrant employment. 


For employers: We are currently conducting consultation sessions with employers to listen to the challenges you are facing and learn about employer good practices that can inform the development of project outputs specific to our community. Your insights are very valuable for us! If you are interested in collaborating with us, contact Carolina at:  


Winnipeg Foundational Partners: 

Immigrant Centre, City of Winnipeg, Chambers of Commerce, Manitoba Construction Sector Council, Supply Chain Canada, Manitoba Start, Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters, Success Skills Centre 


Follow us on facebook @ImmigrationPartnershipWinnipeg for more information